
Get Ready for Spring Tree Maintenance

Spring Tree Maintenance

Spring Tree Maintenance Can Help Your Trees Stay Healthy During the Warmer Months.

With spring just around the corner, it won’t be long before the trees around your home will start to wake up from being dormant all winter. When that happens, you will need to start regularly tending to them again, especially if they are young trees that are still establishing themselves. While there is a lot of spring tree maintenance you can do on your own, the staff at Tree Spark is here to help you make sure your home is shaded by strong healthy trees.

Steps For Spring Tree Maintenance

Once the weather starts to warm up and your inner gardener comes out, it is a great time to get outside and tend to your plants, including your trees. Here are some tips on how to complete your spring tree maintenance.

Clear Around the Tree
Clearing debris from around the tree allows for better growth, as well as better irrigation and watering techniques. Clearing around the tree includes raking up all the leaves and debris under the tree, but can also involve taking down Christmas lights and removing any protective winter material.

Add Mulch
Mulch is a great way to prevent weeds and grass from growing too close to the base of your tree, it also adds nutrients to the soil. When you add mulch around your tree, you want to lay it about 3 inches thick and keep a few inches away from the tree trunk to prevent the growth of diseases.

Don’t Forget to Water
Water is the most important thing when it comes to caring for trees, particularly young trees. You want to wait until the ground has thawed to water your trees to ensure the water actually reaches the roots.

If you have questions or concerns about spring tree maintenance or care in Fort Worth, TX, give us a call at (817) 717-7737.

Are Your Trees Drowning?

Most of us know that the trees and other plants in our yard need water in order to survive. However, did you know that a tree can get too much water? In fact, trees need to have oxygen to be able to live.

How do you know if your trees are getting too much water?

Healthy Tree

Make sure your tree is healthy and not being over watered.

The Roots
Tree roots need to be able to breath. If the ground is constantly wet, the oxygen can’t go down to the roots of the plant. It’s important to feel the ground occasionally to check if it’s staying wet or water is pooling. Roots that sit in water for a prolonged time can actually rot.

Abnormal Leaves
When trees get too much water, the leaves will begin to show it in several ways. The tree leaves that retain too much water might blister. If the leaves turn brown around the edges or the entire leaf, it can be either a sign of too much water or not enough water. However, the leaves with too much water will generally be fragile and soft; leaves with not enough water are dry and hard.

Loss of Leaves
If tree leaves fall before they should or the growth seems stunted, the roots might be over saturated and not getting enough air. The ground should be wet if this is the cause.

Remember, your trees still need water, just maybe not so much. A mature tree should be able to handle different amounts of water better than a newer one. So, give extra care to newer ones.

Do you need help with tree maintenance or removal? Tree Spark offers the best service on tree care in Fort Worth, TX. Call us today to find out more about our services at (817) 717-7737.

Signs You Need Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming

To Enjoy the Benefits of Trees on Your Property, Take Care of them with Regular Trimming.

Whether for aesthetic or safety reasons, tree trimming represents a necessary component of the upkeep of your property. If limbs become diseased or too large, you risk them falling on your property or family members. At the same time, well-trimmed trees are generally healthier. To know whether your trees need a trim, pay attention for the following.

Uncontrolled Growth

A tree that grows too large becomes more difficult to prune. Because of this, you want to maintain consistency in your tree trimming efforts. Additionally, large trees that have not received the benefits of regular maintenance can become damaged or killed through the removal of a great deal of growth all at once.

Signs of Disease

A tree that displays signs of disease in its leaves or other areas will need immediate trimming. A good trim can prevent disease from spreading throughout a tree. Diseased trees will most often display discoloration, signs of fungi, or premature loss across their leaves. Stay attentive to this, and you can extend the life of your property’s trees.

Storm Damage

Trees damaged through storms can harbor limbs that persist at perilous points. A broken limb that has not fallen remains a constant threat to your property, one that you should deal with promptly. As a general rule of thumb, if you have large trees on your property, schedule a professional inspection after every major weather event.

At Tree Spark, we provide a fully bevy of tree-related services, including tree trimming, in Fort Worth, TX. To learn more or schedule service, simply give us a call today at (817) 717-7737.

The Importance of Tree Mulching

Mulch in Yard

Mulch Has a Wide Variety of Benefits for Homeowners

One of the best ways to extend the lifespan of your trees is through mulching. Mulch serves as a barrier between the soil and your tree’s base. There are a variety of advantages to using tree mulching as part of your setup. Tree Spark offers tree mulching services in Fort Worth, TX and surrounding areas. Check out the following benefits which will highlight the importance of tree mulching:

Moisture Retention

Mulch actually absorbs moisture, including water. This limits evaporation and maintains the overall health of your tree. Furthermore, this can actually assist you on your water bill payments by lowering the total cost. Retaining moisture during dry and heat-filled months is especially important to your tree’s health.

Pest Control

Most mulches are made with insect repellent which deters pests from entering the area around your trees. This helps prevent damage caused by pests, such as decomposition or nesting. It can also prevent nasty wasp attacks that you don’t see coming until it’s too late. Keeping your trees in the best possible condition is the goal of Tree Spark and we will keep the pests away.

Weed Prevention

Mulch protects the base of your tree from the sun, preventing ugly weeds from growing near and around them. Not only is this beneficial for the health of your tree, but it also maintains the aesthetic appeal of your yard. For real estate purposes, no potential homebuyer will ever want to see weeds growing around your trees. Call (817) 717-7737 for mulching services in Fort Worth, TX, and to discuss the importance of tree mulching.

Is Your Tree Stressed Out?

tree stress

Are Your Trees Stressed Out?

When it comes to our children, pets, and other family members, it can be fairly easy for us to tell when someone isn’t feeling too well. However, when it comes to our plants and our trees, we need to watch carefully for subtle signs of distress. Today  we will discuss several ways you can spot stress or sickness on your trees.

Splits Or Cracks

If you notice split or cracks on the truck of your tree, those usually come from environmental changes, such as storms. If they cracks are small, you don’t have anything to worry about. If they cover large parts of the trunk or branches, however, removal may be the answer.

Yellowing Leaves

?If your tree’s leaves are yellowing out of season, this can be an indication of root rot. Caught early on, our team may be able to stop it, but often it can kill a tree within a few years.


If you tree gradually leans as it grows, that is generally fine. However, if your tree suddenly leans one day, it needs to be removed or stabilized before it falls!

Fungus Or Mushroom Growth

Not all mushrooms and fungus are bad, but they can indicate a significant amount of moisture in the ground. Our experts can help you differentiate good fungus from bad fungus so that you can protect your tree!

No Leaves!

If your tree is bald in the spring, this can also be a clear indication that something isn’t right.

Spotted or Brown Leaves

If your leaves are covered in brown spots, particularly after a rainy season,you may be looking at a tree fungus!

Premature Leaf Falling

When the leaves start falling off of your tree long before they star falling off other trees, this is a strong indicator of stress that can be caused by a variety of things. However, our experts can help you determine the cause, as well as the ideal solution.

Fall Tree Maintenance Tips

As cooler weather approaches, it’s time to begin thinking about the health of your trees through the colder months. There are many Fall maintenance tasks needed in the early months to prepare your trees for surviving even the harshest Winter.

Autumn Tree Prep

Fertilization and Subsurface Watering

Early Fall is a good time to fertilize your trees with a slow release fertilizer. This will help to ensure that your trees have the nutrients they need, even through the coldest months. One of the most effective ways to ensure your slow release fertilizer stays in place to use an under the soil injection technique. With the injection technique, your fertilizer will be deep underground where your tree’s roots can benefit most. Subsurface watering uses the same technique, implementing an injection tool to get the water deep next to your root system.

Trimming and Pruning

Fall is a great time to prune and trim your trees, removing all dead branches and limbs. This will prevent snow and ice buildup from causing breaks and cracks that could lead to injury or property damage.

Insect Treatments

In the Autumn months, many species of insects lay eggs in your trees to keep them warm and dry throughout the winter. Prevent insect infestation in your trees that can cause deterioration by spreading insect repellant around your trees, perimeter, and flower beds. Your local hardware store typically has options that are safe to use around plant life, animals, and children at a fairly low cost.

Cabling and Bracing

The months of Winter bring snow and ice that can settle on the branches and limbs of your trees, causing them to crack or break under the pressure. Prevent breakage of your trees that could cause property damage or injury to your family by using a bracing or cabling system. These systems effective reinforce your limbs and branches to help them stand up to heavy snow and ice weight.

These simple tasks can help protect your trees during the cold winter months and prevent them from malnourishment, dehydration, or physical damage that can inhibit Springtime photosynthesis. When you need Fall maintenance services on your trees and yard, call the experts at Tree Spark to help protect your trees from Winter worries.