Author Archives: Tree Spark

Can I Cable My Own Tree?

view of a tree from below

What is Tree Cabling?

Tree cabling is a technique used to provide structural support to trees that have weak or vulnerable branches. It involves installing flexible cables and braces between major limbs to reduce the risk of failure during storms or due to structural weaknesses. The process typically starts with a thorough assessment by an arborist to identify areas of concern and determine the best placement of cables. Once installed, these cables help redistribute the weight of heavy limbs and reduce the strain on weak attachments, thereby enhancing the tree’s stability and prolonging its life. Tree bracing and cabling is a delicate operation that requires expertise to ensure it is done correctly without harming the tree, and because of this is usually only done by experienced professionals. 

When Do I Need Tree Bracing and Cabling?

Tree cabling becomes necessary in several scenarios where a tree exhibits structural weaknesses that compromise its stability and pose potential risks. This technique is particularly relevant for trees with large, heavy branches that are poorly attached or show signs of splitting, which could lead to limb failure during storms or high winds. Additionally, trees with multiple trunks or co-dominant stems are candidates for cabling to prevent structural failure and ensure their longevity. Cabling also addresses safety concerns in urban environments where trees overhang buildings, roads, or recreational areas, reducing the risk of falling branches. Furthermore, if a tree has sustained storm damage that has weakened its structure, cabling can stabilize it and prevent further deterioration. 

Ultimately, the decision to employ tree cabling should be informed by an assessment from a qualified arborist who can evaluate the tree’s condition and recommend appropriate measures to enhance its safety and health.

What are the Benefits of Tree Cabling?

Tree cabling offers several key benefits when implemented by professionals. Firstly, it enhances the safety of trees by reinforcing weak or structurally compromised branches, reducing the risk of them breaking and causing property damage or personal injury during storms or adverse weather conditions. By distributing weight more evenly among branches, cabling helps maintain the overall stability of trees, particularly those with multiple trunks or large canopies. This proactive measure not only protects the tree itself from potential damage but also preserves its aesthetic value and environmental benefits within landscapes. Additionally, tree cabling can extend the lifespan of older or historically significant trees by preventing further decay or structural decline. 

It’s important to remember that the expertise of certified arborists ensures that tree bracing and cabling is done correctly and that it is minimally invasive, promoting both the safety and longevity of trees in urban and natural settings alike. Though it can be tempting to attempt this kind of system on your own, this can sometimes do much more harm than good. 

What are the Challenges of Tree Bracing and Cabling?

As already mentioned, tree bracing and cabling is a delicate process. Though it has many benefits, it can also present a number of challenges. These challenges necessitate careful consideration and expert management. For example, one significant challenge is ensuring the cables are installed correctly without harming the tree. Poorly placed cables can restrict growth, cause bark damage, or even introduce infection points that compromise the tree’s health. Another critical aspect is maintaining the balance between providing structural support and preserving the tree’s natural aesthetics. Visible cables can detract from the visual appeal of mature trees, impacting the overall landscape design. 

Additionally, the effectiveness of cabling can diminish over time as trees continue to grow and change structurally. Regular inspections and adjustments are essential to ensure the cables remain effective and do not become too tight or loose. Moreover, the initial cost and ongoing maintenance of tree cabling can be significant, requiring property owners to weigh the investment against the benefits of preserving tree safety and longevity. Overall, addressing these challenges requires the expertise of certified arborists who understand the complexities of tree physiology and have the skills to implement cabling solutions effectively while minimizing negative impacts on tree health and aesthetics.

How Does an Arborist Determine Tree Bracing and Cabling is Needed?

An arborist assesses whether a tree requires cabling through a comprehensive evaluation of its structure, health, and surrounding environment. Key indicators include the presence of large, heavy branches with weak attachments or signs of splitting. Trees with multiple trunks or co-dominant stems are also candidates for cabling, as these features can lead to structural instability over time. The arborist considers factors such as the tree’s age, species characteristics, past storm damage, and its proximity to structures or high-traffic areas where falling branches could pose a hazard. They conduct visual inspections and sometimes use tools like resistograph drills to assess internal wood decay or weaknesses. 

As you can see, this is a process that takes an incredible amount of knowledge and experience. If you believe you may benefit from tree bracing and cabling in Fort Worth, TX, the team at Tree Spark can provide the assistance you require. Call us today at (817) 717-7737 to learn more about our services.

How Can I Know Which Tree Limbs Need To Be Cut Away?

Tree work is dangerous. Leave it to the experts.

When considering cutting tree limbs, it’s important to think about several factors. The health, safety, and aesthetics of the tree and its surroundings should all be taken into account. Here are some guidelines to help you determine which tree limbs should be pruned. But before you climb up your ladder with a chainsaw, it’s crucial to understand the inherent danger that comes with cutting tree limbs and other parts of trees. Consider your skill level, and don’t be ashamed to call a tree professional. In Fort Worth, TX, Tree Spark offers a range of tree services for you, your home, and your property. Give us a call at (817) 717-7737 for help cutting tree limbs or any other tree-related service.

arborist cutting tree branch

Knowing Which Limbs to Cut When Pruning a Tree

When shaping a tree, you don’t want to haphazardly snip away. Instead, look for limbs that are dead, diseased, or infested with pests. Dead limbs are often brittle and may have no foliage or bark. Removing these limbs prevents them from falling and potentially causing injury or damage.

Identify limbs that cross or rub against each other. This can lead to bark damage and create entry points for diseases or pests. Remove one of the crossing limbs to prevent further damage.

Check for limbs that are weak, split, or have narrow crotch angles. These limbs are prone to breakage, especially during storms or high winds. Pruning such limbs reduces the risk of property damage or personal injury.

Evaluate limbs that overhang structures, walkways, or power lines. Trim these limbs to maintain clearance and prevent potential hazards. Be cautious around power lines and consider hiring a professional arborist for this task.

Look for limbs with excessive or rapid growth that disrupts the tree’s natural shape or balance. Thinning out crowded areas can improve air circulation and sunlight penetration, promoting overall tree health.

Assess limbs that obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, obstruct views, or impede access to the tree. Prune these limbs to enhance safety and accessibility.

Identify limbs with weak attachments to the main trunk or branch. These may be indicated by included bark or narrow angles of attachment. Removing such branches reduces the risk of structural failure.

Check for limbs that droop excessively, especially if they pose a hazard or obstruct desired views. Prune these limbs to maintain the tree’s shape and improve visibility.

Consider the overall appearance of the tree and prune to enhance its natural form and beauty. Remove limbs that detract from the tree’s symmetry or balance.

Some trees are best pruned during specific seasons to minimize stress and promote healing. Research the appropriate timing for pruning the specific tree species in your area.

When pruning tree limbs, always use proper tools and techniques to make clean cuts without damaging the tree. If you’re uncertain about which limbs to prune or how to do it safely, consider consulting a certified arborist for professional advice and assistance. Give us the opportunity to earn your business. Dial (817) 717-7737 today.

The Process of Removing A Tree Stump

tree stump with large wooded roots

How to Successfully Remove a Tree Stump

Removing a tree stump can be a labor-intensive process, but it’s necessary to clear space for landscaping, prevent regrowth, and eliminate safety hazards. 

To successfully remove a tree stump, first evaluate the size, location, and condition of the tree stump. This will help determine the most suitable removal method. The tools required for the job depend on the removal method chosen. These tools may include a chainsaw, digging tools (such as a shovel, mattock, or digging bar), ax or hatchet, and a stump grinder (if using mechanical removal). 

To begin removal, cut the stump as close to ground level as possible using a chainsaw. This will make the removal process easier and reduce the amount of digging or grinding required. Next, use digging tools to excavate the soil around the stump, exposing the root system. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the stump to access and sever the roots.

Using a sharp ax, hatchet, or pruning saw, sever the larger roots extending from the stump. This will help loosen the stump and make it easier to remove. After major roots are cut, try to loosen the stump by rocking it back and forth or prying it with a pry bar or digging bar. You can also use a chainsaw to further cut any remaining roots.

Tree Stump Removal in a City Near Me

Depending on the size and weight of the stump, there are a few methods for removing it. Manual removal involves a few people lifting and carrying the stump out of the hole. Mechanical removal utilizes a stump grinder to grind the stump into wood chips, which can then be removed or left in place as mulch. If you choose to go the chemical route, a commercial stump removal chemical accelerates decomposition, making the stump easier to remove over time.

Once the stump is out, fill the hole with soil or a mixture of soil and compost. Tamp down the soil to compact it and level the surface. Dispose of the stump and any remaining debris appropriately. Depending on local regulations, you may be able to compost the wood chips or arrange for disposal through a waste management service.

This sounds like a lot of hard work because it is. Save yourself the trouble and call Tree Spark at (817) 717-7737 for tree stump removal in Fort Worth, TX.

When Should I Fertilize My Trees?

Trees With Fertilizer

Whether it is around your home or your business, trees are a bonus. They provide beauty and shade, a habitat for nature, and more. For the most part, nature nurtures and takes care of them, they’re pretty self-efficient. But when you have new trees, or trees that are special to you, sometimes, you need help in caring for your trees, like professional tree fertilizer services

Is tree fertilizing necessary?

For many, many years, even decades, taking care of trees or any plant life was almost routine. But it seems the weather patterns are changing, and the soil has changed as well, not to mention the air pollution has increased. So, taking care of your landscape has had to change as well, but perhaps you’re not sure why your plants and trees are struggling. With the help of professional tree fertilizer services, you can get the natural beauty around your home or business thriving again.

What exactly are tree fertilizer services?

By choosing to use tree fertilizer services, they have the education, knowledge, and skills to determine what your trees need. They will examine the trees, test the soil, and determine what steps and treatments are needed to protect and/or stimulate the root system. 

Why would you choose to use tree fertilizer services? 

They know how to make sure the treatment is evenly distributed so that it is more effective to get the best results.  A tree fertilization program by a professional company that provides tree fertilizer services, or doing it yourself, will maintain your trees and shrubs, keeping them in vigorous condition and encouraging growth. 

Tree fertilizer services will keep your trees resistant to diseases and insects. As professional arborists, they will know how to make the soil and roots healthier so that the tree flourishes. You can choose to have a routine program for their services, or let them address your concerns by answering questions like, “When should I fertilize my trees?”

Here in Texas, the best times for tree fertilizer services are in the spring and fall, with the fall season of fertilizing the most important fertilizing. Why are fall tree fertilizer services so important? 

Tree fertilizer services during the fall season will supplement the nutrients that trees lose during winter weather, keeping them healthy. Especially if you’re a homeowner who rakes the leaves every fall. So, is raking leaves not good for the trees? This seems to be a right of passage, rake the leaves, the kids jump in the piles, and you rake them again. Some homeowners will bag those leaves and use them as decorations for Halloween. 

Well, for healthy trees, there isn’t any need to rake every leaf you see on the ground. If you do rake, mow the ones you don’t get and leave them be. You can even use the leaves you rake up as winter mulch around the base of the trees. Or add to your compost pile for mulch in your spring gardens. When it comes to doing your tree fertilizer services, only apply fertilizer when the ground temperature is at or above 55°F. This will help to sidestep unseasonal growth that could damage your trees.

What is the best way to fertilize a full-grown tree? 

During the growing season for trees, fertilizing services can help with any mineral deficiencies and make the tree resistant to diseases that can cause permanent damage. A good fertilizer should contain the following ingredients: 

  • Macronutrients such as: 
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Micronutrients such as: 
  • Iron Magnesium
  • Manganese

Each of these has different effects on a tree’s growth. Where professional tree fertilizer services can help you by advising you on the right formula for different trees. Not all trees need the same formulas or levels of fertilization. 

The steps you take in your tree fertilizer services are just as important as the fertilizer. Never over-fertilize! The recommended amount is between .10 to .20 pounds of nitrogen for every 100 square feet. Too much can burn the roots and the soil surrounding the tree. Apply the fertilizer by dropping or scattering it under the drip zone of the tree. 

What is the drip zone? 

The drip zone is the area under the outer circumference of the branches. This is considered the canopy and when it gets wet, the excess water sheds onto the ground along the dripline. 

Should you fertilize a struggling tree?

If you have a tree with any of the following, this is a struggling tree and it needs deep root tree fertilizer services to give it the right amount, process, and type of treatment: 

  • Defoliation
  • Slow growing
  • Fewer leaves
  • Smaller leaves than normal
  • Leaf color changes too early
  • Leaves dropping too early
  • Leaves that appear to be scorched
  • Tree canopy dying from the top

What is deep root tree fertilizing treatment?

Professional tree fertilizer services use a specialized application of the right fertilizer that will restore the struggling tree. This process includes using high-pressure equipment that injects, typically around 5” deep, a blend of nutrients and organic matter into the surrounding soil that will reach the trees’ roots

This process is done in a grid pattern to ensure that all of the root zone parts receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. They will continue this process under the tree canopy and extend just past the drip line. 

To The Root Of The Matter: Cost

Yes, professional tree fertilizer services are going to be somewhat costly, but is it worth it? Yes, if you want to maintain the beauty, shade, and natural habitat around your business or home. If you have new landscaping and have just had a few select trees planted on your property, professional tree fertilizer services will make sure they have a good start and can instruct you on how to care for them going forward.

What is the Deadliest Tree Disease?

large tree covered in leaves

What tree diseases are common in the area?

Property owners value their trees here, as they do anywhere else in the country. We plant them, feed them, water them, prune them, and battle the possibility of numerous tree diseases when needed.  Like the human body, many tree diseases can stunt the growth, even kill a tree. That leads many people to wonder what kind of tree diseases are in Fort Worth, TX?

What are the most common tree diseases?

There are different categories of tree diseases, with most of them being fungal foliar diseases. Some of these can be lethal and others just make the trees ugly. To make it more challenging how to treat tree diseases, we need to know the difference between a treatable tree disease, a chemical injury, or an insect-caused tree disease.

The different categories of tree diseases include: 

  • Needle Rusts: Harmless to the tree and grows on the needle’s surface. 
  • Needle Casts: Forms and grows inside the needles, causing the needles to shed.
  • Needle Blights: Forms and grows inside the needles, which can cause the tree to die if not treated. 
  • Hardwood Leaf Tree Diseases: There are different types of foliar hardwood tree diseases and is one example of chemical injury and insect injury mimicking some tree diseases. This type of tree disease is often related to the weather, making it difficult to prevent and treat. The best prevention is raking and destroying the leaves that fall. 
  • Anthracnose Tree Diseases: This is a fungal tree disease that mostly affects the leaves and sometimes the stems.  Damage can be severe, and there are minimal ways to minimize the damage.  
  • Rust Tree Diseases: These are fungal diseases, affecting hardwood tree leaves, a common problem that typically isn’t serious.\
  • Leaf Spotting: Leaf spotting on trees isn’t an important issue for the overall tree, but it can make the tree ugly.  
  • Tar Spotting: Tar spotting tree diseases are found on maple and sycamore trees and isn’t actually “tar” but is a fungal disease. Rarely a detriment to the tree’s overall health but can cause the tree to prematurely defoliate. 
  • Powdery Mildew: A common plant and tree disease that is easy to recognize with a white patch or spot that appears like talcum powder. Powdery mildew tree diseases are more severe in dry, warm, weather with the succulent tissue being the most susceptible.
  • Leaf Blistering: Oak leaf blistering is caused occurs on most oak trees. Visible by a quarter-inch to half-inch spots on the leaves that turn a light green as the leaves expand. 

Other types of tree disease include pine stem tree diseases like rust, and hardwood stem tree diseases like black knot, cankers, decay, and wilt. 

What is the deadliest tree disease?

As with foliar and stem tree diseases, it is the diseases that afflict the fungal tree roots.  These types of tree diseases are typically lethal in the long term because they impact the tree’s ability to absorb water from the soil. Some of the more deadly tree root diseases include: 

Pine Root Tree Diseases

  • Annosum Root Rot: A problem most common in Arkansas,  but any area that has well-drained sandy soil is prone to Annosum Root Rot. 
  • Loblolly Pine Decline:  Referred to as LPD, is the result of the combination of disease problems, pest problems, and poor conditions converging, most common in older trees or trees that are stressed. 
  • Littleleaf Tree Diseases: Referred to as LLD, this tree disease primarily affects shortleaf pine with infected roots. 

Can diseased trees be saved?

Sometimes, yes, diseased trees can be saved if the disease is caught early. It requires proper pruning and trimming. Proper and timed fertilizing may be needed to bring the tree to a healthy level.  A tree with severe root and trunk problems cannot be saved and will need to be removed so as not to allow the disease to spread. 

Think of tree diseases as being similar to minor ailments like those experienced by humans when they get the common cold. If the disease isn’t addressed early on, it can lead to more problems like limb damage and an emerging pest infestation. 

Can tree diseases be prevented? 

Just as keeping the common cold at bay within your home, an ounce of prevention with your trees is the best way to avoid experiencing diseased trees. Some recommended steps for preventing tree diseases are: 

1. Remove Visible Deteriorated Shrubs and Trees

To prevent diseases from spreading to the healthy trees, you need to prune the limbs and remove any decay. Any tree that is dead should be removed. If you’re not sure a tree is dead, the services of a professional, licensed arborist or tree service are recommended. 

2. Keep A Clean Garden 

On a routine schedule, walk the perimeter of your landscape and check the condition of the plants, shrubs, and trees. As you become familiar with your garden and landscaping, you’ll become more observant of color or condition changes. Remove any fallen leaves to keep the garden clean and prune the affected branches and trees to contain any infected organisms.

3. Use Fungicides and Insecticides.

Spraying the trees within your landscape with a fungicide is a preventive measure in stopping diseased trees like fire blight, oak wilt, and other diseases. Using an insecticide will prevent diseases from spreading, killing any bugs and their eggs which will prevent spreading any contamination.

4. Keep Gardening Tools Clean

Your garden tools can collect any contaminating organisms and debris as you work your garden and landscaping. After each service, spray or wipe clean all the tools, including pruners, rakes, shovels, etc.). Using alcohol or bleach will thoroughly clean any disease from plants and trees, which will prevent plant and tree diseases from spreading. 

In Closing

In addition to the tips that we listed above, having a professional Arborist inspect your trees annually can be a huge benefit, the same as having annual inspections on the HVAC system or your roof. These annual inspections will allow you to stay on top of your landscape, allowing you to respond immediately to possible problems like tree diseases. In Fort Worth, TX, if you need to reach out to someone to take care of your diseased trees you can always call the professionals on our team. Reach out at (817) 717-7737 when you need assistance.

What is the Best Way to Cable a Tree?

view from below of a tree

Can you change a tree’s growth pattern?

While trees can add beauty to the landscape of a business or home, they can also pose a problem if their growth pattern becomes an irritant. Once upon a time, the answer to that was to cut the tree down, but today, tree cabling and bracing have given us a way to keep the trees and redirect their growth pattern. If you’re interested in tree cabling and bracing in Fort Worth, TX our professionals can be there to help with this process. Give us a call at (817) 717-7737 if you’re looking for more information.

What is tree cabling and bracing?

Tree cabling and bracing are a method of supplemental structural support to a tree that will reduce any risk of multiple stems and weak branches failing. The cables typically consist of exceptionally strong steel cables that are installed in the upper crown of a tree and attached by bolts. Cabling limits the movement of the branches that are supported so they risk breaking and failing in high winds and storms. 

The tree bracing is done with threaded rods that are installed where the weak branches and multiple stems meet. This provides them rigid support, from the force of winds that can twist them, causing them to bend and break. Tree cabling and bracing were invented in the first part of the 20th century and have become the industry standard that arborists use today.

Are the different types of tree cabling and bracing?

Tree cabling and bracing are always mentioned in the same sentence, but they are two distinct processes.  When we talk about tree cabling, there are two different types: 

  • Static Tree Cabling: As mentioned above, the typical method uses an exceptionally strong steel cable that is fastened with bolts to the tree and secured with lag bolts or steel eye nuts. A tree static cabling system is a method that will reduce the risks of co-dominant stem failure.
  • Dynamic Tree Cabling: This type of tree cabling uses special elastic components that allow some movement of the tree branches, which will prevent failure.  This method is not recommended if a tree t has already started failing and needs maintenance and monitoring.

When we talk about tree bracing, this technique is done by installing metal rods where two co-dominant branches converge. This reduces the risk of branches breaking away by limiting the movement of tree parts like the branches, limbs, and trunks. The tree bracing process is typically done in conjunction with cabling (hence the tree cabling and bracing term) and pruning.  This process provides proper protection for the tree. 

Is tree cabling and bracing a good option?

Tree pruning should be the first thing done when improving the tree’s structure. Tree cabling and bracing methods cannot save dead, dying, or decaying branches and prevent them from falling. Because tree cables are flexible, they won’t restrict growth but will reduce movement, while the bracing stabilizes the tree, and gives it the needed support. When installed by a tree professional, tree cabling is discreet so that the landscape aesthetics are not disturbed.

How long does tree cabling and bracing last?

When tree cabling and bracing are done properly by a trained professional, it can last up to 40 years. However, frequent inspections should be done on the tree by a licensed arborist. If the tree is still growing, the tree cabling may need to be redone or replaced every three to four years.

How expensive is tree cabling and bracing?

While you have a budget in place, you need to choose a professional who is experienced and licensed.  Because tree cabling and bracing are done on healthy trees, ultimate care needs to be exercised to minimize any possibility of damaging the tree. The process can cost up to $500 or more depending on the size of the tree and how many braces and cables are needed. 

When should tree cabling and bracing be done?

Tree cabling and bracing are recommended when a tree has indications of structural weakness. This is done by inspecting the tree for the following: 

  • The bark
  • Codominant stems
  • Large, overextended tree branches

Tree cabling and bracing are also used when there is a risk of damage due to any part of a tree failing. 

What are the benefits of tree cabling and bracing?

Tree cabling and bracing are a combination process that prepares the trees for severe weather, especially if they are at a high risk of failing. The benefits you can expect include: 

  • Lowered Risk of Property Damage and Failure: An unsupported tree is at risk of being exposed to heavy rains and high winds that are typical with storms that come through the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area.  The process of tree cabling and bracing will stabilize trees that may have weak branches and brace the trunk and any large weak areas that may split. 
  • Encourages Strong Growth: As tree cabling and bracing are an ideal defense mechanism during questionable weather, they also assist the weak areas to grow stronger. This will minimize weak areas in the future that have a risk of failing. 
  • Encourages Healing: Tree cabling and bracing can help treat damaged trees by providing structural support nurturing growth and assisting in healing and repairing. 

In Closing 

It can be tempting, and easier, to just let trees grow in their natural process. But if you’re concerned with the safety of your home and surrounding area, tree cabling and bracing are the best insurance and reinforcement. If you’re looking for any more information, reach out to our professionals and we can answer any questions you may have. Call today at (817) 717-7737.

Should a Dead Tree Be Removed?

dead tree

Have Dead Trees Cleared

Trees add beauty to the landscape, especially our homes. They provide some level of protection and shelter along with shade, an important thing here in the Fort Worth, Texas area. But when one dies, it can affect the entire situation, making the landscape look bad and more. This is why proper dead tree removal is important.  

Is it necessary to hire a professional to remove a dead tree? 

Okay, you have a chainsaw and a few buddies, yes, you may be able to do a crude type of dead tree removal. But there is more than just cutting it down, cutting up the branches, and taking the cuts to a landfill (or in the firepit). 

There are many issues to be concerned with when working with dead tree removal. By hiring a certified professional arborist, they will have the experience and knowledge for proper dead tree removal, and they will have insurance to protect themselves and you. 

Are there any environmental concerns to consider before removing a dead tree? 

Well, that depends on where the dead is located.  A dead tree in a forest is essential to the health of the forest. The bacteria, fungi and other life forms that come from the decomposing dead wood return nutrients to the ecosystem and encourage new plant growth. 

However, around your home or where there is human activity, dead tree removal is a matter of safety. Annually in the United States, over 100 people are killed by falling dead trees. As soon as you discover you have a dead tree, removal should be considered by a professional, sooner than later. 

How much does it cost to remove a dead tree? 

There are several factors that are considered when pricing dead tree removal, starting with the size and type of tree. The location of the tree is a factor too. For instance, if it is partially hanging over your home or some other type of structure, the dead tree removal process is important.

dead tree in a field

What is the best time of year to remove a dead tree? 

If you hire a certified arborist, they’ll know the best time for tree trimming or dead tree removal. If you’re going to do this yourself, the best time of the year in Texas is in the fall just after the summer heat has subsided and before the buds bloom in the spring. However, removing broken, damaged, or dead tree limbs can be done year-round. 

What type of protective gear is recommended for dead tree removal?

Again, if you hire a certified arborist, they will have the proper dead tree removal equipment and any PPE (personal protective equipment) already on hand. If you’re going to do your own dead removal, you’ll need the following items: 

  • Safety helmet
  • Face shield
  • Gloves
  • Protective clothing
  • Safety glasses
  • Earmuffs
  • Work boots

What are the steps to safely removing a dead tree?

To safely perform dead tree removal, here are three basic steps you should follow:

1. First cut the low, small branches with a chainsaw.

2. Tying a rope around larger branches, start cutting the branches free at the base of where the rope is tied and lower them slowly to the ground.

3. Next, using the chainsaw, start chopping on the tree trunk in sections. 

What should I do with the wood from the dead tree? 

Many cities and communities have an area close to the edge of town where you can take the remnants of your dead tree removal project. Another option is to use it, give it away, or sell it for firewood. 

If you have a bunch of crooked, small, leftover limbs and scraps, let it dry before using and you’ll get a clean burn. If your dead tree removal is oak, you’ll need to let it dry for two years before it is useable. 

What should I do if the dead tree is too close to a power line?

The correct and safest thing to do for dead tree removal that is close to the power lines is to call the utility company. The tree and making any repairs to the power lines is the utility company’s responsibility, and this is safer for you! 

See Through the Forest! 

Dead tree removal can be dangerous if not done correctly, to you, your family, and your home. So, what is the best way to minimize damage to your property? Here are a few preventive measures that will keep your property safe, it’s all about tree maintenance: 

  • Prune and trim as needed
  • Watch for damaged trees and disease
  • Remove dead and weak trees

Trees are an integral enhancement to the landscape around your home. They add value to the property, and provide shade in the summer, which keeps your energy bills down and improves the air quality around your home. 

But doing your own dead tree removal isn’t the best solution. Calling a professional is always the best choice, especially the bigger the tree. Check the insurance and credentials of any arborist you call and ask for references. Having dead tree removal done properly and safely is important. 

Tree Spark is here to help with dead tree removal in Fort Worth, TX. Call our team at (817) 717-7737 to learn more.

Is it better to grind a stump or remove it?

A Tree Stump

Tree Stump Removal

You had a beautiful, 100-year-old native pecan tree in the backyard. I provided shade for the grandkid’s swing set, sandbox, and your family picnic table.  Then the snow apocalypse of 2021 killed it, most of it fell in the backyard and some on top of the garage. You and some buddies got it cut up and hauled off, but there is still that tree stump removal to be done. 

Your wife has found decorative ideas to use the tree stump, removal wouldn’t be necessary then. But is it better to leave that tree stump there? Arborists will tell you that it is best to follow through with tree stump removal, either professionally or DIY. Not sure why, keep reading: 

  • Property Damage: Frequently the tree roots will continue to grow, eventually reaching out to other areas of your lawn. They can spread and reach your home, getting wrapped around plumbing, and lifting the driveway, patio, walkways, and other pavement areas. 
  • Infestations: Skip the tree stump removal, the organisms will begin to decompose the remainder, and insects and pests begin moving in, build nests, and start scouting around the other trees, your plants, and even your home. 
  • Invasive: Tree stump removal will get rid of the unsightly appearance of that invasive obstruction in your yard. This can encourage other plants to grow that are just as invasive, unsightly, and a challenge to remove. Mushrooms and other fungi, will start growing on the tree stump, starting at the roots, and begin showing up throughout your landscaping. Some mushrooms like these can be dangerous, even deadly to animals, children, and other trees. 
  • Safety Hazards: Tree stump removal eliminates a safety hazard for any children playing in the yard. It also makes landscape maintenance easier! 
  • Aesthetics: Tree stump removal will give you valuable lawn space and eliminate the eyesore a tree stump can be. 

Need a tree stump removed? Give Tree Spark a call at (817) 717-7737.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a tree stump?

It is recommended to have any tree stump removal in Fort Worth, TX done professionally by an arborist. They will use a stump grinding method in most cases. It is the more efficient and less intensive method using a rotating cutting disk piece of equipment that shreds the tree stump into small wood chips. This still leaves the roots in the ground, but those will decay naturally over time.

Another method of tree stump removal is to either burn it or apply chemicals designated for tree stump removal. You can also have the stump pulled up, but this will leave a hole in the ground. 

Can a tree stump removal be done with DIY? 

Use lamp oil or kerosene poured over the cut part of the tree stump and allow it to sit and soak in. It will soak through the stump and into the root. After a week, pour more over the open tree stump, and within another week, with the approval of the fire department and safety measures, you’ll be able to burn the tree stump out. 

Will salt or vinegar get rid of a tree stump?

There are a few household items that can be used to accelerate the demise of the tree stump for tree stump removal to be completed. Those items include oil, salt, or vinegar. However, the larger the tree stump, the longer it takes these to work. 

What is the most effective tree stump killer?

The chemical potassium nitrate has a high concentration of nitrogen. Poured directly on the tree stump, it will accelerate the decomposition process making tree stump removal easier.

A Tree Stump Removal

In Closing

What if you decide you want to keep the tree stump after all? Fortunately, just as there are products and ways for tree stump removal, there are ways to preserve them too with these steps: 

  • Prepare the tree stump by removing any branches and leaves and sanding the areas smooth, removing the stop layer. Next, using a saw, remove any other pieces of the tree still attached. Now drill holes evenly spaced into the tree stump about an inch deep.
  • Allow the stump to dry thoroughly. Then using a wire brush, remove any debris, dirt, or dead bark from the surface and drill holes in the sides of the stump to help it decompose faster. 
  • Mixing water and vinegar, fill the holes, and then cover the tree stump with plastic sheeting or tarp.  After this has sat for a while, fill the holes with sand and then fill any gaps and imperfections, sanding them down to a smooth surface.  Now, your once-ugly tree stump is ready to be painted and decorated! 

In some cases, you may want to leave the rugged appearance of the bark, as well as any gaps and imperfections. This is a personal decision and is your tree stump to do as you want! You should check with any homeowner association rules and restrictions before going through this process though. Ready to get old stumps removed? Call (817) 717-7737 to set an appointment today.

How Long Does it Take to Remove a Tree?

falling tree after hard storm on damage house

Tree Removal Processes

Many times, we buy a house because of the trees surrounding it. In fact, in the real estate world, the trees are a value-add when it comes to the listing price.  However, as beautiful and loved as having trees around your home are, there comes a time that tree removal is necessary.

When should you consider tree removal?

When possible, tree removal should be the last course of action, and simply because a tree is dead, doesn’t mean it must be removed. If the tree is in an area where it can’t harm anyone or anything, leave it be as a refuge for wildlife. 

However, dead, dying, or a tree that is hazardous with the possibility of causing expensive and extensive damage, tree removal is the best option. So, tree removal should be performed if any of the following exist: 

  • Indications of infection: Crown dieback, deep cracks in the bark, discolored or misshaped leaves, crumbling soft wood, or the presence of fungi often indicate infection. A tree full of unwanted pests, indicated by beginning holes, feeding galleries, and busy woodpeckers feeding on the tree.
  • Large, dead branches: When these are in the crown of the tree, described as widow-makers because they will fall for what appears as no reason and can cause serious injury. When fifty percent or more of the tree is damaged or dead, tree removal is a matter of safety.
  • Poor growth: Discolored, thin foliage and stunted growth indicate a tree is having trouble, especially if all the trees around it are healthy and vigorous. Tree removal may be necessary, but have the tree inspected by a professional first.
  • Root defects: Root defects are not always easily noticeable, but if there are fungi and heaving soil near the tree base, tree removal should be considered.
  • Compromised trunk: Cracks, dead branch stubs, large wounds, or splits in the trunk indicate the tree is dying inside. A tree can live for years in this situation, but it is just a matter of when it becomes too weak and falls. 
  • Hollow: A hollow tree trunk is a compromised tree trunk and creating a hazard. If 1/3 of the tree is hollowed or rotted, tree removal is recommended.
  • Suddenly leaning: A leaning tree isn’t necessarily dangerous, but if that lean has happened without an apparent cause suddenly, there is likely a structural problem with the tree, and tree removal is the safest course of action.
  • Sprouting at the base: A tree with sprouts at the base isn’t having babies. These are epicormic shoots, indicating the tree is stressed and should be inspected by a professional.
  • Power lines: A tree that has grown into power lines is hazardous and tree removal is recommended. If the tree is too close to your home and is hanging over the roof, keep it pruned or schedule a tree removal. 

What do I need to know before removing a tree, how do you protect your property during tree removal?

If you feel that tree removal is necessary, you should have it inspected by a certified arborist first. They will determine if the tree should be removed or if there is a treatment to save the tree. 

If the tree is well-rooted and healthy, there are different ways to remove it than how a dead or diseased tree removal is done. The same applies to how old the tree is as well. By examining the tree, a professional arborist can determine important facts and advise the best process and tools for tree removal. 

Next, you’ll need to clear your yard so that the tree can lay flat once the tree removal has brought it down. The recommended clearing space is two times the tree height. This area should be all around because you won’t know what direction the tree is coming down. 

Make sure no, cars, pets, people, or lawn furniture in the vicinity.  The tree removal company will survey the area regarding power lines, so the tree removal doesn’t cause issues for your neighbors. Make sure there is a clear path for the tree removal crew to go back and forth and work around the tree. 

removed tree trunk by crane in residential area

Why is tree removal important?

There are several reasons that tree removal is necessary: 

As a dead or sick tree loses strength and weakens, it becomes unable to withstand the ice, snow, storms, and wind. The limbs and branches can break off, the tree can fall, causing major damage, even death. 

A diseased tree left standing can spread the disease to other trees.  Tree removal will prevent this from happening. A tree that has been damaged has been weakened, and tree removal could be the best way to keep it from unexpectedly falling. 

Sometimes, as beautiful as trees are, when they are encroaching the power lines or the foundation of your home, they are becoming a problem. When trees are planted, perhaps the shade was the focus, but as they grow, they can get in the way of driveways, sidewalks, or too close to a structure. 

Is it safe to remove trees close to the home?

Yes, after you’ve had a professional examine the tree and its proximity to your home, having a professional tree removal is safe, usually making it safer for your home. 

What steps are taken for safe tree removal, What is the tree removal process?

It is always recommended to have any tree removal done by a professional service. They will have the proper equipment, safety gear, and tools to do the job safely and thoroughly.  A professional tree removal company will have procedures in place that will assure the tree is brought down safely using the following steps: 

  • Estimate the felling zone and allow room for the fall
  • Cut a notch into the tree, placing a wedge there to help direct the tree down
  • As they cut, they watch for kickback limbs
  • A rope is used as they guide the tree down to keep the tree away from power lines and structures
  • Branches and limbs still on the tree are removed and trimmed for easier removal once it is on the ground

Do you need a permit to remove a tree?

In Texas, no, there is no law requiring a permit to be obtained for tree removal. 

In Closing 

Many homeowners wonder can you plant a tree where one was removed? While you certainly can, after all, it is your property. However, arborists recommend not to because the essential nutrients for healthy growth are likely stripped from the soil, especially if the tree was diseased. 

Tree Spark provides smooth tree removal in Fort Worth, TX. Call (817) 717-7737 to get scheduled.

How do you dispose of a dead tree?

silhouette of a dead tree against a cloudy sky

Dealing With Dead Trees

With the arrival of Spring and Summer, there is yard work with lawns to take care of and gardens to tend to. This work often includes dead tree removal. Winter can do a lot of damage to your gardens, lawn, and trees, and when that happens, we must start our spring fling by cleaning it all up. Should a dead tree be removed, what happens if you leave a dead tree?

The longer a tree is dead, the tree becomes less flexible, making it brittle and harder. Dead tree removal is harder to do safely than a tree that has died recently. Here are 5 things that happen if you wait for dead tree removal: 

  • Pest Attracted: Carpenter ants, termites, and other insects love dead trees. They make for a great place to nest and multiply more insects, and surrounding trees and your home is at risk of those insects moving in to find food and refuge while causing damage. 
  • Falling Danger: Will a dead tree fall over? Yes, a dead tree will be harder, but it isn’t strong. A dead tree is weak and has a higher chance of falling over, and it may not fall in a safe direction. It could be on your house, a neighbor’s house, or even on a person or animal. 
  • Cheaper to Remove: A recently dead tree, removal is less expensive than a tree that has been dead for some time because of the compromised structural integrity. Dead branches will fall off with the gust of wind, landing on your car or house, or worse, a neighbor’s car or house. The sooner you schedule a dead tree removal service, the more money you’ll save. 
  • Other Trees Impacted: If the dead tree is because of disease, this can be contagious to surrounding trees, like mildew or mold developing on the dead tree, it will spread to other trees. Your garden and plants are at risk of that disease, mildew, and mold spreading to them and destroying your landscape. 
  • Just Ugly! A key fact to note here is that dead trees just ugly! You’re doing all this hard work to make your landscaping and gardens look attractive and beautiful. A dead tree is going to ruin that curb appeal, diminishing the curb appeal and value of your home. 

What are the signs of a dead or dying tree that needs to be removed?

Here are 6 indications that you have a dead tree removal need soon: 

Sticks Everywhere

When a tree is shedding sticks constantly, it usually is a sign of poor health. Healthy tree branches and twigs are flexible and don’t usually have the tendency to break off. If you’re noticing an increase in broken branches or twigs, schedule a tree specialist to inspect the tree and advise. 

Bark Falling Off

Flaking or peeling tree bark is an indication that the tree isn’t getting enough nutrients and could possibly be due to disease. Try watering the bare areas and reattaching the bark with tape, you may save the tree. Otherwise, you need to make plans for dead tree removal. 

Fungus or Rot

Fungus or rot on a tree is never good news and you need to act immediately if you want to save the tree. There are treatments available that can rid fungus and rot, but if the damage is too far gone, your next plan of action needs to be dead tree removal. 

Leaning Trees

Unless the tree has grown at an angle, it shouldn’t be leaning. As a tree begins to lean, it is usually because the roots are damaged or dying. Bracing the tree can keep it from going all the way over, but the safer thing would be to schedule a dead tree removal. 

Open Wounds

A tree with an open wound is doing to lead to a dead tree. These open wounds can be ill-planned tree trimming, torn-off branches, or splits that the tree isn’t able to recover from. Lightning strikes and hard wind can cause a tree to split from top to bottom, and in many cases, you’ll end up needing a dead tree removal service. 

No Leaves

A lack of leaves is a strong sign you have a dead tree or one that will be dead soon. Bare branches on just one side may be caused by disease, pest, or root damage. For any of this, you need to schedule a dead tree removal because the damage is not reversible.

What time of year should trees be cut down?

The recommended time of year for cutting trees down is early spring or winter or early spring. During these times, the leaves have fallen, leaving the branches free of foliage.  If the ground is frozen, it will make the dead tree removal easier and less likely apt to disturb the earth around the tree.

The best time to prune or trim trees in Texas is in the early fall. The summer temperatures have cooled down and buds have not yet started. There isn’t a “best time” when to cut off dead tree branches, this can be done year-round. 

Will dead tree roots decompose?

Yes, once a tree has been cut down or you’ve had dead tree removal done, the roots will not grow anymore, eventually decomposing in the soil. The problem with decaying roots is the cavities that it creates, leaving soft spots. 

What do you do with half-dead trees?

When a tree appears dead on one side, indicated by leaves and limbs dying, call a tree specialist to inspect the tree. There could be root issues like “girdling”, which is when a root is wrapped very tightly around the trunk under the soil line.  This cuts the flow of nutrients and water from all the roots. By removing some soil, a tree specialist can verify the problem, and make recommendations to save the tree. 

dead tree laying on dry ground

Closing Statement – Who Pays For Dead Tree Removal? 

While dead tree removal isn’t as expensive as replacing a new roof, it isn’t the cheapest thing either. So, when will insurance cover dead tree removal, or will it pay anything? No, typically homeowner’s insurance will not pay for dead tree removal. Here is a summary of what your homeowner’s insurance will pay for regarding trees: 

  • For trees that have fallen due to hail, wind, or from the weight of ice or snow and landed on your house or any insured structure on your property, you will be reimbursed for the tree removal.
  • For a tree that falls due to hail, wind, or the weight of ice or snow and lands in your yard, but not on any structure, removal will be out-of-pocket for you.
  • For a collapsed tree that’s caused by an explosion, fire, lightning, or vandalism, regardless of where it lands, your homeowner’s insurance may pay for the removal. 

Keep this in mind to help you make the best decision possible when you need tree removal.