Author Archives: Tree Spark

What is the Best Time of Year to Trim Trees?

tree trimming

What is the Best Time of Year to Trim Trees?

If you are seriously considering a tree trimming service, it will be important for you to investigate several factors. These factors include the best time of the year to trim trees. According to leading experts, the best time of the year to trim trees is in the spring. Homeowners can breathe a sigh of relief because the time frame is actually quite wide. You can trim or prune your trees anytime between late fall and early spring. It remains important for you to consult with your local arborist, as they will have all the relevant details pertaining to your tree trimming.

Can I Trim My Own Tree?

If you require serious tree pruning and trimming, it is always best to refer to the professional experts. An arborist or tree-trimmer will have the proper tools and capability to solve even the toughest tree trimming conundrums. Large pruning jobs should also be left to the professionals as there are a number of dangerous factors to consider. The tools will need to be substantial for the larger limbs of your tree. In addition, the height of the tree, and how you sit on a ladder, will also need to be thoroughly considered. After all, it is better to be safe rather than sorry.

Is it Cheaper to Trim a Tree or Cut it Down?

If you are vacillating between whether or not you should trim a tree or cut it down, it is important to consider the cost. Removing a tree is a very expensive service, and certainly more expensive than trimming in most if not all cases. If you have a tree that is sixty feet tall, it can be quite difficult to cut and maneuver. 

Will a Tree Die If You Cut the Branches?

Trees are living things. If they are brutalized during the process of a tree trimming, and if their wounds are not taken care of properly, the tree will suffer. When an individual cuts off a tree branch, the tree develops a special callous tissue. This tissue covers the wounds and keeps out decay and disease. While it is true that the tree’s scars will always be there, if you prune it properly, then the tree itself will survive. As mentioned previously, you always have the opportunity to call an arborist if you do care about the tree and want it to be trimmed properly.

How Do You Cut a Tree Limb Without Killing the Tree?

If you have a large tree limb that is a burden on your or the tree, it will be important for you to investigate your options. Professional arborists have their own methodology for cutting off larger tree limbs. If they are certified, they will have the expertise and learning in such endeavors. While some online manuals may espouse trimming large tree limbs on your own, it’s highly advisable to consult a professional.

Why Tree Trimming is Important

Tree trimming is important for a number of very important reasons. Please read over the following bullet points to learn more.

  • If there are dead limbs on your tree, you will want to trim them. Dead limbs are extra and unnecessary weight for the tree. The aesthetics of your tree will also be improved without dead tree limbs to detract from the live tree limbs.
  • Improved form. If there are lots of tree limbs at the bottom of your tree, the tree will focus its growth on those areas. Pruning the lower branches will help your tree grow taller, slimmer, and more robust.
  • Reduced risk from falling branches. If there is perceived danger from falling branches, it will be important for you to address the tree limbs as quickly as possible. When a tree limb falls on your home, you may have to replace the entire roof. You can avoid this by trimming tree limbs.

How Tree Trimming

If you do happen to start the tree trimming process on your own, it will be important for you to avoid common errors and mistakes. These mistakes include bad timing, improper cuts, over-pruning, under pruning, and lion’s tailing, which is also known as “raising the canopy.” If you do not desire a broccoli tree effect, it will be important for you to thoroughly research your approach to tree trimming.

Tree Trimming for Solar

If you have a solar roof, it will be important for you to eliminate all the tree limbs that could detract from your solar input. If you call your local certified arborist, you should be able to get those pesky tree limbs removed without too much trouble.

tree trimming

Tree Trimming with Ropes

Arborists have many tree trimming techniques, and one of these uses ropes. In order to prevent the trimmed branches from falling in a way that will damage the property below, an arborist can successfully tie off tree limbs and maneuver them safely away.

If you need tree trimming in Fort Worth, TX, we can help. Please give us a call at (817) 717-7737 to set up an appointment today.

Is tree fertilization necessary?

Tree planted with fertilizer

Keeping your tree healthy

Well, that is a debate that may be as timeless as the chicken and egg debate.  There are different findings and opinions when it comes to tree nutrition and fertilization and tree fertilization techniques. It also can depend on the type of tree, the climate, location of the tree. Some experts will stand by the theory that a fertilization program is to maintain shrubs and trees in a forceful condition. 

Tree fertilizer should be used to increase a tree’s resistance to diseases, injury, and insects. However, if plant or soil foliage testing finds there is a deficiency, adding a soil nutrient is recommended. You can identify those shrubs and trees in need of fertilization for stimulation by leaves that are pale green and undersized. These are indications that they have a reduced growth rate and could be in a declining condition, showed by dead branch tips. 

This is often the result of diseases and insects. You should not use tree fertilizer on new planted specimens or have root damage caused by construction or trenching. The roots must become stabilized before tree fertilizer is applied or it can do more damage. 

So, Do trees need to be fertilized? All of this is confusing, and the question is an honest question: Do they or don’t they need to be fertilized?  Trees that are established and older do not need annual fertilizing.  There are products on the market that you can apply to your trees any time during the year and they are time-released. They will work their way in as they need to be and when they need to be. 

However, there are benefits to applying tree fertilizer at certain times of the year. A general rule is to apply tree fertilizer is toward the end of April or the start of May. You can also apply tree fertilizer in the late fall after the trees have gone dormant, or follow this recommended schedule:

Fall Fertilizing

  • Assists in recovering nutrients that are lost in the soil lost during the summer.
  • Encourages root growth when the ground isn’t frozen during the winter.

Spring Fertilizing

  • Endorses new growth during the typical growing season.
  • Green the leaves to keep them vibrant during the summer until fall.
  • Provides vital nutrients to keep the tree healthy and fight off infection.

What is the best fertilizer for trees?

Tree fertilizer can be misunderstood and misused as a “food”, when that isn’t what it is at all, nor is it a cure-all for a tree that is ailing. Plants and trees get their food through photosynthesis, making their own food in a sugar-type product. Fertilizer supplies minerals or nutrients needed for growth and photosynthesis, and when minerals are deficient in the soil, adding tree fertilizer can maintain a sufficient supply. 

There are two things to keep in mind when using tree fertilizer: 

  • When needed, tree fertilizer is beneficial
  • Tree fertilizer is beneficial only when used right with the right amount 

The nutrients applied most frequently are tree fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In some parts of the country, depending on the soils, tree fertilizer with other nutrients are needed, including calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Iron or zinc are sometimes needed but separate from the other tree fertilizer nutrients because a tree doesn’t need as much of them.

There are two types of tree fertilizers:

Fast-release, which is a water-soluble tree fertilizer and is the least expensive. The nutrients in this type may leach faster through the soil and in sandy soil that drains well, it can flow past the root system with just an infinitesimal amount of rain or irrigation. The leaching is slower in a fine-textured clay soil but has greater risk of runoff. 

Slow-release tree fertilizer products release nitrogen slowly over an extended period. The nitrogen may be sulfur-coated or a urea-formaldehyde. Half of the nitrogen should be a slow-release nitrogen. 

The best tree fertilizer is an all-natural fertilizer because there are three tree fertilization benefits to be had: 

  • Natural tree fertilizer, like composted sewage sludge, manure, or complete fertilizer blends will provide nitrogen and other nutrients slowly.
  • Natural tree fertilizer provides minor minerals and nutrients, like iron or zinc, in insignificant amounts.
  • Natural tree fertilizer improve the soil structure. 

Is granular fertilizer better than liquid?

Granular and liquid both contain and provide the needed nutrients for survival and thriving, with one significant difference, and that depends on how it is applied, not the form. Granular tree fertilizers can be broadcast on the ground in a 2×2 placement or applied as a side dress and cultivated into the soil in shallow depth. You can broadcast a liquid tree fertilizer in a band application at mid-season in a side dress.

How do you deep fertilize a tree?

Deep tree fertilizing is a special process that requires special equipment and should be performed by an arborist. Basically, the general action of a deep fertilizing is to stick a pipe into the soil eight to twelve inches.  They then force tree fertilizer through the pipe into the ground, getting to the roots faster where the nutrient is needed.

healthy tree in front yard

To the Root of the Matter

Can I use lawn fertilizer for trees? It is always best to read the label thoroughly regarding using lawn fertilizer on flowers, shrubs, or trees.  If there isn’t any herbicide chemical or pesticide harmful to garden plants, lawn fertilizer on a tree will be safe, but only using a fraction of the standard amount, a recommended amount is one-fifth of the normal application.

Trees are a beautiful asset to our homes and the air around us, they clean the air we breathe; they provide shade and shelter. It is important to give them the best care possible while they are young and taking root, and it when they get older, protecting them from disease and insects. Refer to a trusted arborist is always a safe way to take care of them. Call (817) 717-7737 today for your tree assessment in Fort Worth, TX.

What Are Tree Diseases?

Disease spots on a closeup of a leaf

Learn More About Tree Disease

Tree care can be a rewarding process that will yield a lush landscape and a healthier environment. However, there can be cases where your tree will contract an illness and start to show elements of infection from the inside out. Tree disease can come in many forms and often will require a thorough process when trying to salvage the infected tree and area. It’s important to get into contact with your local arborists and tree company when you notice any signs of tree disease spreading around your trees. Here is some general information concerning tree disease that may be of use to you.

Can a tree get a virus?

There is a large variety of plant viruses that can spread to trees and other types of plants alike even with veggies and fruits.

How do you prevent tree disease?

A good way to prevent tree disease is with proper maintenance and care. Prune diseased branches and twigs so that the condition does not spread. On a similar note, remove any infected stumps or treat the whole area. In order to prevent further spread, rake and burn or dispose of infected fallen leaves as they can be carriers if swept by the wind. All in all, remove and destroy any infected parts and provide ample moisture to well-drained soil.

How do you fix a diseased tree?

Tree disease can be fixed when you see the first sign of it developing in the spring or early summer. Spray the affected tree or vine with a fungicide. Repeat the spraying of the area every 10 days during the growing season. In order to prevent spreading spray plants that are susceptible and are in close proximity to the diseased plants and trees.

Can tree diseases affect humans?

In most cases, tree disease will not affect humans as the bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses that cause tree disease differ greatly to those which cause diseases in humans or other animals. As far as eating and touching an infected plant or parts of the plant that would not likely infect humans with the same pathogen which would cause the plant to become sick.

How does plant diseases affect human life?

Tree disease or diseases with plants will affect human life in a way that would reduce crop yields and food availability for humans. Certain fungi that come with tree disease have mycotoxins that can infect other plants but not humans. These mycotoxins, however, can have direct effects on animals and humans which can result in diseases and death.

What causes disease in trees?

Tree disease can be caused by various bacteria and viruses. One example can be Oak decline which is a complex syndrome or disorder in which damaging agents in combination, like weather damage or insect infestation, can interact to bring a huge decline to the tree’s condition.

spots on leaves signs of disease

What are some tree diseases?

  • Anthracnose
  • Apple scab
  • Cedar rusts
  • Diplodia tip blight
  • Dothistroma needle blight of pines
  • Lethal yellow of palm
  • Oak Wilt
  • Powdery mildew
  • Photinia Leaf Spot
  • Thousand canker disease

How are tree problems diagnosed?

Tree disease can be diagnosed by examining a tree for possible problems. It’s recommended to look at the entirety of the tree including the trunk, branches, and foliage and not just areas that show problems. For example, root issues can be a source that is influencing above-ground symptoms. This can be seen with yellow leaves which are initially caused by high soil pH or injuries made to the root.

What does a diseased tree look like?

Tree disease can show up in many forms so be sure to look for signs. One thing to pay attention to is if the ground heaving upwards, there are signs of decay, signs of fungi like mushrooms, and severed roots. Try looking around the tree’s root collar, aka the area of the trunk right above the soil. See if there are any slits in the tree, peeling or loose bark, and cracks. With the rest of the trunk see if there are any holes, cavities, swelling, and soft or decaying wood. For the canopy see if the branches are hanging low with minimal leaves or are lacking bark. If you see weak v-shaped branch unions where two branches have grown together this can be an oddity as are leaning limbs or branches. See if there are any dead sections of bark on limbs and branches that are otherwise known as cankers. If there are any leaf problems like holes, spots, deformed leaves, or odd colors this can also point to tree disease. Finally, check to see if there are excessively thick or dense canopies that can easily break.

Who can diagnose tree disease?

Tree disease can be diagnosed by specialists like arborists who are equipped with the knowledge of gauging problems, providing treatment recommendations, tree appraisals, and suggestions as to where to get tree services.

Get in Touch With a Professional Today

When you’re needing a tree disease diagnosis, count on your local tree service company for the task. Tree maintenance is a long term responsibility that will occasionally require the help of a pro in order to salvage damages. Ultimately a professional will be able to properly diagnose the tree disease that is causing issues with the condition of your trees and best recommend strategies and treatments to save it. Make a call to your local tree company for more information today.

If you need assistance with tree disease in Fort Worth, TX call (817) 717-7737 with Tree Spark!

Dead Tree Removal

Fallen tree in the desert, Arches National Park, Utah, USA

Learn More About Dead Tree Removal

Your property’s landscaping will need to be checked from time to time as the seasons pass. Different conditions can set in and sometimes conditions can be dire to where trees rot and dead tree removal becomes necessary. It’s important to have a professional tree service company step in with cases where you’re unsure as to the condition of your tree. Dead tree removal in general should be done in a timely manner in order for surrounding trees and property not to become contaminated. Before you reach out to a professional, here is some general information regarding dead tree removal that may be useful to you.

Are dead trees dangerous?

Dead trees can become dangerous as time passes by since branches as well as the overall structure can become brittle and prone to breaking. Once they start to decompose and rot sets in branches can start to fall off. If anyone or any structures are nearby they can become harmed or damaged from impact.

Do dead trees attract bugs?

Dead trees attract bugs as many will seek out wood as boroughs to live in or consume. Such bugs can include carpenter ants and termites as well as other wood boring insects. These types of pests will be quick to multiply which means that surrounding trees as well as your property can be in danger of being further infested.

Can you revive a dead tree?

Although it’s possible to revive sick or dying trees it’s impossible to bring a dead tree back to life. In the latter case, dead tree removal is recommended. There are ways to determine the condition of your tree with the help of a professional or with some tests that you can conduct yourself

Is my dead tree dead or dormant?

A good way to tell if your tree is dead or dormant is to test its strength. With dormant wood you’ll have twigs be pliable and split enough to reveal moistened growth inside. You can also conduct a scratch test. By scratching the bark of a twig with either a knife or fingernail you can reveal growth underneath the bark. With green growth underneath it’s dormant, with brown wood underneath it’s dead.

How long until a dead tree falls?

A dead tree can fall anywhere from 1-2 year depending on the soil and the moisture content of the soil. If the tree is disturbed often however it can fall down more quickly.

Path from the spits of a tree, background

What do you do with dead trees? 

Consider These Upcycling Methods

  • Create Woodchips, Mulch & Firewood
  • Make Furniture With it
  • Have it Become a Wildlife Nesting Site
  • Turn it into Lumber for Home Projects
  • Create Landscaping Design (Carving, Fencing, Painting)
  • Create Tree Cookies for a Pathway/Walkway

Will the city remove a dead tree?

Typically, the city where you live will typically not have special rules for removing trees on a property be they hazardous trees or dying. Therefore it’s expected that the process of dead tree removal be conducted by the owner of the property. Some states, however, may have different laws as seen withTexas where the state law allows for city officials to deal with trees that can become a nuisance to other trees. The city can thereby remove trees even if the tree is on public or private property or even if they belong to a resident and not the city.

Do I have to remove a dead tree?

Dead tree removal doesn’t have to be done by you personally, there are many avenues to take and perhaps the best can be to rely on a professional tree service. As it is, dead tree removal is best done sooner than later as the longer it stands there the more problems can arise ranging from fallen tree limbs to pest infestation on other trees.

How much does dead tree removal cost?

Professional dead tree removal can range in price depending on the size of the tree. With trees up to 30 feet tall you’re looking at a cost of $100-$300, between 30-60 feet it’s around $300-$700, between 60-80 feet it’s $700-$1,100 and over 80 feet tall it’s around $1,100-$1,800.

Does homeowners insurance cover dead tree removal?

Unless the tree fell on the garage, fence or other parts of the home which have incurred damages, dead tree removal is typically not covered by homeowners insurance. When a tree falls from inclement weather than it will be covered, as it is, homeowners insurance can cover up to $1,000 per storm as far as tree removal goes. Whatever the case it’s best to check on your policy or call your agent for detail on what can be done in case something happens in the future.

Contact Our Your Local Tree Services For Assistance

If you need help with dead tree removal make sure to employ the services of a professional tree service company for assistance. They will be able to properly diagnose your tree’s condition and impart proper protocol with dead tree removal that won’t cause other damages your property. What’s more, your safety will be intact since tree removal can be a tricky thing to do. Make sure your property’s trees are up to date with maintenance and healthy so other issues won’t spring up across time. Get dead tree removal today and have your landscape cleared of the problems that come with dead trees.

If you require assistance with dead tree removal in Fort Worth, TX call (817) 717-7737 with Tree Spark!

Why is land clearing important?

land clearing equipment

The Best Thing for Your Property

For a nature lover, it’s difficult to understand the purpose of land clearing. This is a gift of nature and there is beauty to be enjoyed from the land. We can use much of the growth on the land, and the rest, we can learn to live with.  Disturbing the natural eco-system is always a concern, but it can be done without that danger. To learn more about land clearing in Fort Worth, TX, dial (817) 717-7737 for Tree Spark.

While this is understandable, land cleaning and grading, when done properly, are beneficial in so many ways. Professional land clearing companies have experience and know the best methods, processes, and techniques on how land clearing is done to accomplish land clearing without damaging the eco-system and nature. In this article, we will answer questions and look at exactly what is the meaning of land clearing?

Land clearing is defined as the process of removing natural and manmade obstacles from a piece of land intending to utilize the land for other purposes.  The land is cleared of brush, stones, stumps, trees, etc. Once cleared of these obstacles, we may use it for farming, ranching, or construction of a structure, based on where the land is located and the owner’s goal for use. This is frequently done for new construction of businesses, custom home building, etc. 

What equipment is used for clearing land?

A contractor hired for land clearing will approach the job with a review of the moisture, soil stability, species habitation, terrain, and vegetation density. They will address concerns about the environmental and any obstacles. They then will choose the proper equipment and machine to work around and with these factors. 

There is a variety of equipment and machinery used for land clearing that the contractor will choose based on the factors above. This includes excavator mulchers, tracked or wheeled mulching units, and skid steer tractors that are equipped with attachments that mulch. The average land clearing will require other tools as well that an experienced clearing company will have on hand. 

What is manual land clearing?

Manual land clearing is done by pruning or removing dangerous or unwanted vegetation using hand tools such as chainsaws. This allows the land clearing contractor to be accurate and precise in removing vegetation and other obstacles. Manual clearing will use bucket trucks and spider lifts to remove what they cut down or GRCS hand tools when those pieces of equipment cannot get to the cleared land. Items cleared from the land are then placed in Grapple trucks or Roll-Offs and transported away. 

equipment for land clearing

How long does it take to clear an acre of land?

There are factors that can alter this time frame, but the average time for one acre of land is three to four hours with the proper equipment and manpower.  The factors that can affect the cost of a land clearing job are: 

  • Lot size
  • Purpose of the preparation
  • Density of vegetation
  • Amount and size of brush, rocks, stumps, trees
  • Travel time and ease of access to the lot to be cleared

How does land clearing affect soil?

Land clearing on a small scale, backyards and gardening have less effect than agricultural or construction-related land clearing. To prevent a negative impact on the environment, preventing land clearing is the best solution. However, that isn’t possible or practical, so land clearing professionals are charged with clearing land in a way that reduces the environmental effects.

One way has been to clear smaller tracts and replant immediately to prevent soil erosion. Another option used by some contractors is to purchase adjoining land and create a wetland to attract the habitats and native species to balance the gain and loss.

While it may seem a waste for land clearing to take place, there are positive things that can be done with the land once it has been cleared.  A few ideas to consider based on the location and size of the cleared land:

  • Farming: Plants, produce to sell, use as an educational farm for local schools.
  • Environmental Farm: Solar and Wind, work with local businesses, communities, or energy providers to offer solar and wind power options.
  • Self-Storage Facility: Construct storage units and rent them out.
  • Horses and Livestock: Construct stables to rent, offer riding lessons, create a petting zoo.
  • Raise alpaca, goats, sheep:  Raising alpaca and sheep for the wool processing. Raise goats for renting out to landowners that need their lot “mowed”.
  • Sports Fields: Design and construct sports fields for baseball/softball, soccer, etc. and rent out to little leagues and adult leagues.
  • Shooting Range or Paintball Course: Design and construct a shooting range where enthusiast can take target practice. Design and create a paintball course and rent to individuals and groups.
  • Campground or Glamping Facility: set up electrical/water for camping rentals or go above and beyond by adding elaborate amenities for glamping, a new trendy concept.
  • Photography Studio: Design and construct different photo opportunities or build a portrait studio.
  • Parking Lot: Areas where parking is minimal to non-existent can benefit with a supervised parking lot, close to attractions and venues that draw large crowds.
land clearing

Connect With Us for Land Clearing Ideas and More

We are the experts you can rely on for any land clearing in Fort Worth, TX. Dial (817) 717-7737 for a Tree Spark contractor when you need help with any land or tree services.

Does cabling hurt a tree?

trees hiding home

Cabling a home tree

Do you have a favorite tree in your backyard that can’t hold up to the winter winds, or a specially planted tree that hasn’t gotten a stronghold yet? One way that tree experts recommend making a tree stable and stronger is tree cabling. The name is just what it says; It is cabling in a tree or guying a tree, to brace it so it can withstand high winds, kids playing around it, etc. 

There are tree cabling and bracing techniques that have saved many trees around homes, businesses, and in public areas like parks. This is beneficial not only to save the tree itself but for our environment. We need trees for not just shade, but the fruits they may bear and for cleaning our air.

Still, there are many debating tree cabling, pros and cons to either side and with that in mind, we’ve done some research to answer concerns and questions about this practice.  It isn’t something that just any homeowner should try on their own, as it can damage the tree more than it may already be, killing it. There are experts in tree cabling how to and have perfected tree cabling and bracing techniques that will save that favorite or special tree.

What is tree cabling?

Tree cabling is the procedure of stabilizing a formed, mature tree growing that lack sustainability, perhaps it has been hit by lightning and split the trunk. They also do tree cabling for a preventive measure in supporting a large tree ranch that has grown at a tricky angle.

Tree professionals skilled in tree cabling and arborists have tree cabling and bracing supplies, as well as experience and training on how to properly place cables and install tree cabling eye bolts as needed.  When tree cabling is done incorrectly, it results in girdling. Other purposes for tree cabling are:

  1. To save a tree with a compromised branch or trunk, i.e., an open wound, to prevent harmful fungi from entering the tree.
  2. To safeguard its appearance, such as balancing a tree with a missing lamb to keep it from looking lopsided.
  3. Tree cabling is done to redirect a tree from falling on a house or other structure, preventive steps to avoid property damage or growing into a foundation causing it to crack.
  4. If a large and unstable branch is over a street or walkway that poses any risk to those anyone driving down the street or on the walkway, tree cabling is used to secure the limb to the tree.

What does guying a tree mean?

Guying a tree provides its wind protection, allowing it to grow correctly. They typically do this in areas where the winds are dominant, and the trees have heavy tops and the root balls are small.  When trees of this nature do not have proper support, the high winds blow them back and forth and can sever the roots.

A properly installed guying system is three stakes positioned around the tree evenly, with two of them positioned in the direction of the dominant wind to provide resistance. These stakes are hooked guy wires that are attached to the lower tree branches. The guy wires are adjusted by turnbuckles.

trees in a yard

Why do they call it a guy wire?

The name guy wire is defined as a cable, cord, or rope that guides, secure, or steadies something. It is lightweight itself, but when installed properly, it is durable and strong. Guy wires are typically used in radio masts, ship masts, utility poles, wind turbines, as well as, fire service extension ladders and tents.

There are a variety of things to be considered when caring of trees, such as installing a support system like tree cabling. Those considerations have pros and cons in a tree that must be weighed with each step, especially when installing a support system.

The reasons for saving a tree with tree cabling are numerous. It may have a functional value, historic value, monetary value, or sentimental value.  It must be understood that a support system won’t guarantee the tree is saved. Some of the pros and cons of installing a support system are:


  • Decrease of failure
  • Life of tree extended
  • Strengthens structure


  • Cable dependent
  • Regular maintenance
  • Cost of removal increases
  • The expense of installing a tree cabling system
  • Modification expense
  • Tree dynamics change

If a tree has any value to a homeowner, from monetary to sentimental, tree cabling may worth the expense of installing and the expense and time to perform any necessary maintenance. As we mentioned earlier, trees are essential to our living. They provide shade, fruits, and clean the air we breathe. We can’t, and we don’t need to, save every tree, but we can, we need to do everything we can. A homeowner needs to look at every possibility of what would be better: Cabling a tree or cutting it down and have it removed. Call (817) 717-7737 today for your tree cabling needs in Fort Worth, TX.

Importance of Tree Planting

Close Up of a Kid's Hands Planting a Young Tree

Learn More About Tree Planting

The world is a precious place, contributing to it and giving back is always a great thing. With tree planting, you can create a sense of filled space while also adding aesthetic value to your property. Yet tree planting requires special attention to care and upkeep and should not be taken lightly. It can bring great joy and fulfillment but it’s important to do your research before committing to this life long achievement. See how to plant a tree step by step, what materials to have handy and learn about proper tree planting seasons so you can optimally care for your tree in the future. As with anything, be sure to contact a professional in order to discuss what type of tree may be best for your particular property and region.

What is the importance of planting trees?

It’s important to have tree planting in order to contribute back to the environment. How tree planting helps the environment is by providing oxygen, soil preservation, water conservation, improved air quality, climate amelioration and will also support wildlife. 

How can tree planting benefit you?

Tree planting is a life long commitment that can provide a sense of accomplishment. Not only will it provide value to your landscaping, but it will also provide healthier air surrounding your property. There are many VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can be present with house paint, roofing and more and with more greenery, you’ll be able to combat ozone formation and unhealthy air quality. 

What is planting season for trees?

Proper tree planting season may vary depending on what region you live in, yet in general, trees are planted during the dormant season in the fall after leaves drop or in the early spring before buds break out. Cooler weather will allow for plants to start both their root and top growth before spring rain and summer heat come around. With healthy burlapped, balled or container trees you may be able to grow them in this growing season with proper care. With saplings, however, it’s recommended to plant them in the rainy season between June to October. As far as subtropical or tropical climates, as long as the water is available, you may be able to plant trees at any time. 

What materials do you need to plant a tree?

Tree planting will require a few materials to get the process started. Some items can include a round shovel, sod cutter or spade, a hard rake, garden hose, knife, scissors, compost or compost manure.

How do you prepare soil for planting trees?

Soil preparation for tree planting will involve digging a hole about 2 or 3 times wider than the root ball of the tree. Test the area by placing the plant in the hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the surface of the soil. Remove cords or wires attached to the stem if you have burlapped and balled plants. Apply 3 to 5 inches of mulch to the surface of the soil in order to prevent weeds and to conserve the soil’s moisture. Water the soil as needed during the establishment period. It’s important to have the soil evenly moistened but not to wet or too dry. Before you apply fetilizer make sure trees have had time to become properly established.

Boy & Father Planting a Tree

What’s the best way to plant a tree?

 Tree Planting Guide

  • First, locate all underground plumbing and utilities before you start digging.
  • Identify the trunk flare.
  • Dig a shallow planting hole.
  • Remove containers or cut wire baskets.
  • Place tree inside the hole at a good height.
  • Straighten the tree.
  • Fill the hole up.
  • Stake the tree is necessary.
  • Add mulch around the base of the tree.
  • Start follow-up care.

How much does planting a tree cost?

Tree planting costs will depend on the price of the tree, mostly you will see prices range based on tree availability. Most trees cost on average $200 with more expensive options costing around $350 or more. 

Contact A Professional For Assistance

When you’re looking to make sure that your tree planting is done with expert care rely on your local arborist or tree service for assistance. Whether you’d like to have green roofing for your business or would like to incorporate a more ideal landscape throughout your property, a professional will be able to confer with you about the greenery of your choice and how that will realistically work for your particular property specifications and region. If you are considering tree planting in Fort Worth, TX a tree expert will smooth the process out. Be sure to ask any questions necessary about care so you can have the right practices implemented before and after your tree planting project.

To learn more about tree planting in Fort Worth, TX call (817) 717-7737 with Tree Spark!

How often should you mulch?

tree with mulch

What is the meaning of mulching in agriculture?

The process of mulching is likely something that you have heard of but you may not be familiar with how it works. It is a practice that can protect not only your garden and lawn, but also your home. The process is relatively simple, but it must be done properly. This article will tell you all about what is actually is, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of using mulch.

Mulching is a process where you place a material on the ground to cover a certain area, which helps to insulate and protect the ground. Some materials that are used include small chips of wood, hulls of ground up nuts, and in some cases, even plastic. The course of action involves laying the material in a layer on the ground evenly. It is something that should be done once a year or so, but if done properly, it can be every 2 years.

What is mulch used for?

There are a variety of reasons why someone may use mulch around their home. One is to protect plants, in order to help them grow. Another is to keep crops from freezing.  However, many people rely on mulching to kill weeds. You can lay down the mulch at your home by yourself, or you can choose a company for your mulching needs.

mulched garden

What are the benefits of mulching?

If you find yourself wondering what the benefits of mulching are, they are numerous. Here are some of the advantages to mulching.

Benefits of Mulching

  • Prevents water from leaving soil. When you place the proper amount of mulch on the ground, it can keep you from losing water in the soil. This allows the ground to stay wet enough for things to grow. You will likely have to water less often and plants are less likely to die.
  • Helps with erosion. If the ground is already wet, it helps the water stay where it is. Mulch keeps water from running around your entire yard or damaging your property, not to mention wreck your whole garden.
  • Helps with nutrient retention. Mulch usually consists of natural materials, it breaks down and releases nutrients into the soil. This is great food for your crops and makes them more likely to grow.
  • Keeps ground warm. It is also a great ground insulator. Even if you live in a warmer climate, the ground can get cold. It protects in the case of sudden changes in temperature as well.
  • Creates a happy ecosystem. Since it allows nutrients to reach the soil, this is good for things besides just the plants. In other words, mulching is helpful in creating an ecosystem where useful bugs and worms want to be as well. This is crucial for the growing process to be successful.

What are the disadvantages of mulching?

You can’t talk about the advantages without talking about the bad things that are associated with mulching.

Disadvantages of Mulching

  • Can be costly. Keeping enough mulch around your house at all times can be costly at times. You may have to focus on specific areas to ensure that you aren’t wasting any money. You can also buy your mulch at certain times of the year, like the spring, to save money.
  • May invite pests into your yard. Sometimes pests like to be near mulch. If you don’t have pests, such as moles, in your garden, it may invite them to come in.
  • Might cause you to get weeds. Depending on what material you use, you may get weeds that you have never seen before. This is especially likely to happen if you are intent on mulching without weeding first.
  • Some mulch can hurt your soil. Some types of mulch may be counterproductive for maintaining your soil. It can take the nutrients out of the soil and make it inhospitable for plant life.

What is the best mulch to use?

The best type of mulch for your needs depends on what material you want to use. There are organic types and options that include different types of materials, including cedar, nutshells, and straw. You should check out your favorite online retailer or Amazon for some of the most popular types out there. Look for something that is available at a reasonable price and offers a lot of material for the amount.

Can I mulch myself or should I get help?

Anyone that wants to is able to mulch their yard themselves, but it may make more sense to get someone to help you. Then you will know the process has been done correctly. For example, if a professional helps, mulching should be able to protect you better than doing by yourself. In the case of something like a plumbing leak, you’ll want that extra protection for your yard. Moreover, after a company helps you with your yard, it will be easier to maintain in the future.

On the other hand, if you want to do it yourself, and want to keep doing it, there are cost effective options out there. You can recycle old trees you don’t want in your yard by purchasing a mulcher and then you won’t have to pay for bags of mulch anymore. Just be sure to get a mulching cover to go on top of the machine, so it will last longer and stay looking good.

Since mulch should be applied every year or just about every year to your yard, it is important that you know why it should be done. When placed properly, it has advantages that far outweigh the bad things. It is easy to do and will have your yard looking good for years to come. There is even great help you can count on, if you don’t want to do if yourself. If you need assistance with mulching in Fort Worth, TX, you can call Tree Spark at (817) 717-7737. They know what they are doing, and can help you right away!

Is Storm Damage to Trees Covered By Insurance

A Picture of a Tree That Fell On a House.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tree Removal After Storm?

We depend a lot on our trees to provide us with shade, better air quality, prevent soil erosion, and to add more value to our property. Because of all they can do, it can be devastating when a tree is damaged during a severe storm. Typically, trees are damaged due to lightning and severe winds. Not only can a storm-damaged tree reduce property values, but it can also damage our homes in the process. When lightning strikes a tree or a wind overturns a tree, there is a big possibility that it can fall onto our home or other property.

Many people wonder if their homeowner’s insurance will cover the cost of damages to the tree, but that is not the case. Another thing that people wonder is, “Does homeowners insurance cover tree removal from storm?” Most insurance policies out there will cover damages and removal if the tree topples over due to strong winds and hail. If the tree falls on your fence or on your garage, then your insurance might not necessarily cover the damages. It’s important to note that there is a caveat when it comes to insurance covering storm damage tree removal and damage. If the tree needed to be removed before the storm occurred and wasn’t, then you might have to pay for the cost of removal and damages.

In the event that a tree on your property falls onto your home during a storm, it’s important to know what you should do. So what to do if tree falls on house during storm? Here is a step by step guide of what you need to do.

  • Get Out of the House: If a tree lands on top of your house, you will want to leave your home right away and get to a safe place.
  • Contact the Police: This is a dangerous situation to be in, but by calling the police they can dispatch the fire department or someone from the utility department to make sure your home is safe from fires or electrical issues, as well as checking your power.
  • Call Your Insurance Provider: The next thing you will want to do is call your insurance company to see if your insurance covers this type of damage.
  • Communicate with a Roofer: Most likely a tree will fall on your roof, so you will need to call a roofer for roof storm damage repair.
  • Get Storm Damage Tree Removal: Whether a tree has fallen on your roof, in driveway, or fence, you will need an arborist to come out and provide storm damage tree removal service.

What Happens If My Neighbor’s Tree Falls in My Yard?

In a situation where a severe storm causes your neighbor’s tree to fall in your yard, you might wonder what steps you should take. If your neighbor’s tree falls onto your property, all you need to do is call your insurance company. After your deductible has been met, your insurance provider should be able to cover the cost of storm damage tree removal, as well as damages to your property. In a reverse situation, people ask, “Who is liable if my tree falls on my neighbor’s property?” If your tree falls onto their property, then they will need to call their insurance company to cover the cost of damage and tree removal. The only times where you would have to cover the cost is if the storm was pretty minor and the tree fell over. This can only mean that the tree was diseased, unstable, or dying, so you would be responsible since the tree was already weak.

How to Repair Storm Damaged Trees

Trees that are harmed during a storm can be saved if the damage isn’t too severe. There are ways to repair the tree so that you can keep your tree intact. If a tree has a broken branch, then you can prune other branches in order to prevent damage. If there is a small split in your tree, you can leave it alone to heal on its own. In the case of a medium split, then you can even out the bark to make sure it heals. In situations where there are branches that are hanging, the canopy is uneven, you can see the roots of the tree, or the tree is completely toppled over, then you need to call a professional arborist for services.

Storm Damage Tree Cleanup

A Picture of a Tree That Fell On a House After a Severe Storm.

Storm Damage Tree Removal Cost

When a tree in your yard has fallen onto your property, you will need to get in touch with tree specialists for help. The cost to remove storm damaged trees ranges from $150 to $1,000, but you can contact your insurance provider to see if your policy covers storm damage tree removal and damage. For storm damaged tree cutting and storm damage tree removal in Fort Worth, TX, contact Tree Spark! We are able to provide tree excavation services in order to remove storm-damaged trees. To talk with one of our arborists about this type of service, please call us at (817) 717-7737!

How do I choose an outdoor lighting system?

String Outdoor Lighting

Lighting the Outdoors

Are you interested in updating the outdoor lighting for your property? There are a lot of options on the market, but how can you know what is the best for your home? To determine you’re getting the best lighting services, make sure you are working with the best electrical and lighting companies in the area. Tree Spark has the team and resources you need for outdoor lighting in Fort Worth, TX. Call (817) 717-7737 to learn more.

Outdoor Lighting Pathway Lanterns

What is the Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor Lighting?

What sets indoor and outdoor lights apart is the fact that outdoor lights are typically more variable. Meaning, they can work indoors or out. Whereas indoor lights are not designed to be used outside.

To determine if your lights can be used indoors or outdoors, you need to check the UL rating. For the most part, lights are tested by a company called Underwriters Laboratories (UL). They decide if lights can be used indoors, outdoors, or both with three classifications:

  • UL Dry Locations: These would be indoor areas like living rooms, kitchens, etc. Dry location lighting can’t be used outdoors in any capacity.
  • UL Damp Locations: These lights would be used in bathtubs, showers, indoor pools, and other areas. Because of this, they could be used for indoor or outdoor light needs.
  • UL Wet Locations: The lights with this classification could be used in gazebos, pathways, open patios, or anywhere outside. While these lights could be used indoors, they are best suited for outdoors.

If you have any questions about the UL rating for the lights outside your home, you can contact Tree Spark. We provide a variety of electrical services, including outdoor lighting in Fort Worth, TX. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Outdoor Lighting Ideas

When it comes to lighting outside your home, there are so many options to choose from. Deciding on what you want will come down to what you can afford and what your home can accommodate.

  • String Lights: The string lights you’ll use outside aren’t the same you’d use to decorate a Christmas tree. For adequate lighting and use, you’ll want lights that are specifically designed for outdoor use, or have a UL damp rating.
  • LED Strips: A popular trend for outdoor lighting is actually utilizing LED lights. LED lighting is perfectly safe for outdoor use and helps add a soft-focus effect. The lights can be added just about anywhere. Call Tree Spark to learn more.
  • Uplighting: When you want to add the feeling of luxury to your outdoor scaping, uplighting is the way to go. This would be when electricians place lights point up trees or plants, or the side of your home to light the area that way.
  • Pendant Lights: If outdoor entertaining is something you are interested in, pendant and drop lights are a necessity. You’ll still need lights rated for outdoor use in order to be sure they will work properly and not create a hazard.
  • Step and Path Lighting: Light the way back to your house with properly placed lights. Nowadays there are all kinds of options including lanterns, solar powered lights, and even lighted plants and potters.

When picking out your outdoor lighting system, make sure you are working with a reputable company like, Tree Spark. We can easily install just about any lighting system you choose, including controllers to turn lights on and off when you choose, for those concerned with light pollution. It’s like choosing eco-friendly painting in Fort Worth, TX when you are concerned about harming the environment with other paint choices.

Outdoor Lighting LED vs Incandescent

While looking into outdoor lighting options, you may be wondering what is the difference between LED and incandescent lighting. The answer is, quite a bit actually! LED, light emitting diodes, are basically mini-conductor boards that produce and focus light. There are no chemicals or gases in them that could cause harm to anyone if one broke. Incandescent lights, as many know, have a filament that glows when electricity runs through it. It is what produces the light source, along with an excess of heat.

As far as longevity is concerned, incandescent bulbs have only a few months worth of life to them. You may know this if your home is filled with them. It can sometimes feel like the moment you replace one bulb another one is out. LED bulbs on the other hand can last 25x longer. So instead of a few months, you’ve got a few years worth of time with an LED light. However, the biggest drawback is the cost. LED bulbs are often much more expensive initially, but that can be justified by the fact that you may not have to purchase another bulb for several years.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best outdoor lighting?
    • It will depend on what your needs and wants are regarding outdoor lighting. Brands like Yunlight, John Lewis, Nordlux, and more manufacture quality lighting for outdoor use.
  • Can track lighting be used outdoors?
    • No, track lighting strips should not be used for outdoor use. Generally, nothing is sealed to protect against moisture or any other damage possibility. Outdoor lighting bulbs are specifically designed to protect the bulb and connection from water damage.
  • Are LED lights good for outdoor use?
    • Yes, LED lights are a great option for outdoor use. They will provide adequate lighting without overwhelming your electrical system, so long as it is installed correctly.
  • What happens if you use indoor lights outdoors?
    • You run the risk of serious electrical problems. Most, if not all, indoor lighting is not sealed to protect against rain or moisture, which means they will fail and become a potential hazard.
  • How many lumens do I need for outdoor lighting?
    • That will depend on what kind of lighting you are using. Path lighting will require 100-200 lumens, step lights will need 12-100 lumens, and flood lights will need anywhere between 700 and 1300 lumens.
Patio Outdoor Lighting

Want to Know More? Contact the Tree Spark Team Today!

Have the best outdoor lighting in Fort Worth, TX, when you work with Tree Spark. Call (817) 717-7737 to make an appointment.